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Overlay Fact Sheet

What is a web accessibility overlay?

Overlays are a broad term for technologies that aim to improve the accessibility of a website. They apply third-party source code (typically JavaScript) to make improvements to the front-end code of the website.

Website add-on products claiming to improve accessibility go back to the late 1990s with products like Readspeaker and Browsealoud. They added text-to-speech capabilities to the website(s) on which they were installed.

Then similar products came to market that added more tools to their software. These allow user-based control of things like font-sizes and colors to improve readability.

Some newer overlay products aim to fix any problems in the site’s code that are preventing assistive technology from being used easily. They apply a script to the page which scans the code and automatically attempts to repair the problem.

Some examples of web accessibility overlays (by alphabetical order):

*: denotes that these products are no longer developed or marketed.

Overlay products are sometimes white labelled (sold under other names), or re-branded for certain markets, so this is not a complete list of the type of products discussed on this page.

Strengths and weaknesses of overlay “widgets”

Overlay widgets are unnecessary and are poorly placed in the technology stack.

As stated above, some overlay products contain widgets which present a series of controls that modify the presentation of the page they’re on. Depending on the product, those changes may do things like change the page contrast, enlarge the size of the page’s text, or perform other changes to the page that are intended to improve the experience for users with disabilities.

To laypersons, these features may seem beneficial, but their practical value is largely overstated because the end users that these features claim to serve will already have the necessary features on their computer, either as a built-in feature or as an additional piece of software that the user needs to access not only the Web but all software.

On this latter point, it is a mistake to believe that the features provided by the overlay widget will be of much use by end users because if those features were necessary to use the website, they’d be needed for all websites that the user interacts with. Instead, the widget is —at best—redundant functionality with what the user already has.

Strengths and weaknesses of automated repair

While some automated repair is possible, customers should be discouraged from using an overlay as a long-term solution.

Some overlay products have capabilities aimed at providing accessibility repairs to the underlying page on which the overlay is added. These repairs are applied when the page loads in the user’s browser.

While it is true that a non-trivial array of accessibility problems can be repaired in this manner, the nature, extent, and accuracy of such repair are limited by a number of important factors:

In addition to the above, overlays do not repair content in Flash, Java, Silverlight, PDF, HTML5 Canvas, SVG, or media files.

Fitness for achieving compliance with accessibility standards

While the use of an overlay may improve compliance with a handful of provisions in major accessibility standards, full compliance cannot be achieved with an overlay.

Among the many claims made by overlay vendors is the claim that the use of their product will bring the site into compliance with accessibility standards such as WCAG 2.x, related and derivative standards, and laws that mandate compliance with those standards.

Conformance to a standard means that you meet or satisfy the ‘requirements’ of the standard. In WCAG 2.0 the ‘requirements’ are the Success Criteria. To conform to WCAG 2.0, you need to satisfy the Success Criteria, that is, there is no content which violates the Success Criteria. Understanding WCAG 2.1: Understanding Conformance

Given that conformance is defined as meeting all requirements of the standard, these products’ documented inability to repair all possible issues means that they cannot bring a website into compliance. Products marketed with such claims should be viewed with significant skepticism.

Privacy of personal data

Adding an overlay to your site may run counter to end users’ preference for privacy and may create risk of noncompliance with GDPR, UK GDPR, CCPA, et al.

Overlays that automatically enable certain settings, like those for screen reader or speech recognition users, do so by detecting when an assistive technology is running on the device. This exposes the fact that the person using the device at the time has a disability. In certain cases, like screen reader users where the majority are blind or have low vision, it exposes even more detail about the nature of their disability. Like age, ethnic background, or preferred gender, disability is sensitive personal information. It is not data that should be collected without the informed consent of the person it belongs to.

Some overlays have been found to persist users’ settings across sites which use the same overlay. This is done by setting a cookie on the user’s computer. When the user enables a setting for an overlay feature on one site, the overlay will automatically turn on that feature on other sites. While the overlay company might think they’re doing good by the end user, the big privacy problem is that the user never opted in to be tracked and there’s also no ability to opt-out. Due to this lack of an opt-out (other than explicitly turning off that setting) this creates General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) risk for the overlay customer.

In their own words

Many users with disabilities have expressed strong words of dissatisfaction with overlay products. As shown below, overlays themselves may have accessibility problems significant enough for users to take steps to actively block overlays from appearing at all.

Please note: while this section may mention specific vendors, these comments are par-for-the-course when it comes to the user experience provided by overlay widgets which have, in themselves, a pattern of negatively impacting the user experience.

...assuming your tool can do a good job making something accessible, it can do an even better job making something accessible running directly on the user’s machine having access to machine code and machine APIs DerekRiemer
...I finally managed to gain access to my @NameCheap account by blocking #AccessiBe in my Windows Hosts file. I should not need to do this to use the Internet. AccessiBe needs to AccessiBeGone WilfSplodNokit
...I know with 100% certainty, any site which has deployed an overlay in the past year and a half has been less useable for both my wife and me—both blind. GeauxEnder
...Still a pain to even try reading the article on a mobile device because of the constant interruption every few seconds. Considering every site using your service also has this problem… Nope. Big_D01
...Making a webpage accessible does take work, and simply telling a business they can install your plugin is absolutely foolish, you build, and design accessibility in to a webpage using WCAG standards. w9fyi
...Suggesting one line of code is cheap so you should do it by inference suggests disabled lives aren’t worth investing in either. #a11y Kevmarmol_CT
@AccessiBe Just to demonstrate my good faith, here’s a quick free audit of You capture "tab" which is the standard way to navigate. There’s no way to not enable your overlay if I want to navigate the page. Once the overlay is enabled, wild things happen. eluberoff
#AccessiBe makes sites harder to use by getting in the way of browsing and changing access barriers on a page, not fixing them. A student and I came across an "enhanced" website and to my shame, we left because navigating that mess was beyond my skills, on that day. turtlecatpurrz
Accessibility overlays are not the answer, and AccessiBe is no exception. As a screen reader user, numerous sites have become less usable for me with this overlay. Discrediting reputable accessiblity professionals and advocates will not sway me on this view. SingingTigress
To screen reader-using followers: You may have heard of #Accessibe, an overlay that claims to make pages in which it is embedded more accessible. I won’t go into any more detail. In short: complete nonsense. Hands off! MarcoZehe
Automated solutions which promise to make your site accessible can’t. It takes more than automation to achieve this requirement. You won’t be safe from liability. you will almost assuredly negatively impact your customers with disabilities. twithoff
Every time I go on a website and I hear the #accessiBe notification that this site is adjusted to my screen reader, I know that my blocker isn’t working properly, and I’m in for a hellish experience on that particular website. BorrisInABox
I tried using this @AccessiBe site with VoiceOver in Chrome on iOS. The 4-star rating is announced as "unpronounceable" 🤦‍♀️ racheleditullio
I wrote an email to their customer service detailing that I can not use their site due to the overlay, but… I really am disappointed, but I hope they listen. @Goodfair_ - please stop using AccessiBe. kit_flowerstorm
I’m not an accessibility expert, just a screen reader user with decent skills telling you that this thread is spot on and my experience with #AccessiBe is that it makes sites with accessibility issues even harder to work around. atfarnum
...If you are blind or low vision and rely on assistive technologies like screen readers, you may have begun finding popular websites becoming less usable… this page describes how to ban AccessiBe from ever reaching your computer… smartudlab
OK, this seems very wrong to me. A local chain here named Fleet Farm is now using AccessiBe. It makes a mess of the search for location feature. This is what I now get on the start of the result page. kellylford
Thank goodness Firefox blocks their accessibility detection. For me, focus jumps all over the place with #AccessiBe enabled. When it’s disabled, it behaves itself. mhorspool
There are 0 automated tools that can tetect accessibility problems accurately at anything above 30% of the time. 0. This is commonly known by anyone who’s been in this space for at least a week. #AccessiBe cswordpress
There’s a perfectly practical tool for making websites accessible. It’s called a programmer. The needs that matter in making a website accessible are those of the users. If you can’t meet those, then you can’t meet the basic costs of doing business. WTBDavidG
When #AccessiBe is enabled, the page is flooded with headings. Lots of heading level 2’s. The title of each phone remains a heading in both versions of the page, but with it enabled, things like cost, display, and all the other components of the tables become headings as well. CatchTheseWords


No overlay product on the market can cause a website to become fully compliant with any existing accessibility standard and therefore cannot eliminate legal risk.

Accessibility on the Web is a big challenge, both for owners of websites and for the users of those websites. The invention of novel approaches to resolving this challenge is to be commended.

However, in the case of overlays—especially those which attempt to add widgets that present assistive features—the challenge is not being met. Even more problematic is the deceptive marketing provided by some overlay vendors who promise that implementing their product will give their customer’s sites immediate compliance with laws and standards.

The ineffectiveness of overlays is something that has broad agreement among accessibility practitioners, per the WebAIM Survey of Web Accessibility Practitioners which found:

A strong majority (67%) of respondents rate these tools as not at all or not very effective. Respondents with disabilities were even less favorable with 72% rating them not at all or not very effective, and only 2.4% rating them as very effective.

Statement from sponsors and signatories to this fact sheet

As a result of the above information:

  1. We will never advocate, recommend, or integrate an overlay which deceptively markets itself as providing automated compliance with laws or standards
  2. We will always advocate for the remediation of accessibility issues at the source of the original error
  3. We will refuse to stay silent when overlay vendors use deception to market their products
  4. More specifically, we hereby advocate for the removal of web accessibility overlay and encourage the site owners who've implemented these products to use more robust, independent, and permanent strategies to making their sites more accessible

Signed by:

Some overlay vendors have attempted to frame the overlay factsheet as an effort by their competitors to discredit them. Such overlay claims are a textbook case of an attempt to gaslight people to deflect criticism.

As of today, the signatories to the overlay factsheet include:

In short, the list of signatories below are people who are experts in this field & have dedicated their professional careers to the improvement of accessibility or are end users with disabilities (or both). Discounting the names listed below as "competitors" is both inaccurate and misses the point: overlays are not an effective means of ensuring accessibility - a point on which all of the people below agree.

  1. Karl Groves, Founder and President,
  2. Matt King, Chair, W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force and W3C ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group
  3. Bill Dengler, totally blind computer science student and code contributor to the NVDA screen reader, Swarthmore College, Philadelphia
  4. Nicolas Steenhout, Independent accessibility consultant
  5. Rian Rietveld, web accessibility specialist, Level Level
  6. Weston Thayer, Founder, Assistiv Labs
  7. Denis Boudreau, Accessibility consultant
  8. Meryl K. Evans, accessibility advocate
  9. Makoto Ueki, Web accessibility consultant, Infoaxia
  10. Michael Spellacy, Accessibility Consultant
  11. Helen Burge, Accessibility Consultant
  12. Léonie Watson, Director, TetraLogical
  13. Eric Eggert, Co-Founder, outline
  14. Dale Reardon - Founder & CEO of TravelForAll.Guide
  15. Bram Duvigneau, Co-Founder, Firm Ground
  16. Jason Gill - Certified Web Accessibility Specialist
  17. Michael Ausbun, CPWA, Web Accessibility Engineer, Prime Access Consulting, Inc.
  18. Ronny Hendriks - Accessibility Consultant, Toegankelijk Online
  19. Charles Hall, Invited Expert W3C AGWG
  20. Hai Nguyen Ly, Accessibility Advocate
  21. David Luhr, Accessibility Consultant
  22. Justin L. Yarbrough, Accessibility Specialist, Rio Salado College
  23. Murray Inman, Instructional Design and Accessibility, Rio Salado College
  24. Hidde de Vries, accessibility specialist and front-end developer
  25. James Fleeting, Technical Director, Monkee-Boy
  26. Alex Tait, Accessibility Specialist, AT Fresh Solutions
  27. Michael Fairchild, Accessibility consultant
  28. Gijs Veyfeyken, web accessibility specialist, Five Oaks
  29. Dennis Lembree, Web Axe & Easy Chirp
  30. Adrian Roselli
  31. Rob Whiting, Head of Research & Design, Merlan Ltd.
  32. Kitty Giraudel, Accessibility Specialist, Gorillas
  33. Derek Mohr, Front-end Developer, Mighty in the Midwest
  34. Alastair Campbell, Director of Accessibility, Nomensa
  35. Anders Fredericksen, Level Access
  36. Zoë Bijl, Senior Accessibility Engineer, CrowdStrike
  37. Jonathan Avila, Level Access
  38. Seth Kane, Level Access
  39. Sheri Byrne-Haber, Senior accessibility evangelist
  40. Jared Smith, Associate Director, WebAIM
  41. 木達 一仁 (Kazuhito Kidachi)
  42. Yakim van Zuijlen, Designer
  43. Shannon Urban, Director of Accessibility, EVERFI
  44. Todd Libby, Accessibility Advocate and Consultant
  45. David Monnehay, Atalan
  46. Joschi Kuphal, CPWA & CEO, tollwerk
  47. Romain Deltour, web/accessibility/ebook specialist
  48. Craig Francis, Code Poets Limited
  49. Erik Gustafsson Spagnoli, Accessibility Specialist, Axess Lab
  50. Dan Payne, Accessibility consultant
  51. Ben Tillyer
  52. Belinda Dow, Digital Accessibility Consultant
  53. Matt Obee CPWA, Staff Accessibility Designer, GitHub
  54. Florian Beijers, Accessibility Consultant, Developer, Screenreader User
  55. Donna Vitan, Design Systems Nerd
  56. Ruben Nic, Web Accessibility/Senior Engineer, Webflow
  57. Dennis Deacon, Accessibility Consultant
  58. Nicolas Loye, CTO, Actency
  59. Rachele DiTullio, accessibility engineer, CPWA
  60. Gerard K. Cohen, self
  61. Vincent Aniort, digital accessibility expert, Orange SA
  62. Arthur Rigaud, Accessibility Specialist and Front-End Developer
  63. Gary Jones, WordPress VIP
  64. Andrew Nevins, CPWA, Front-end developer
  65. Chris Heilmann, Principal Product Manager for Developer Tools
  66. Bruce Lawson, greedy accessibility consultant
  67. Peter Goes, Front-end developer, De Voorhoede
  68. Geoff Mortstock, Accessibility Consultant
  69. Marcus Herrmann, Web Accessibility Specialist and front-end developer
  70. Kelly Childs, Lead Developer, Be Accessible, Inc.
  71. Matthew Hallonbacka
  72. Kelly Wills, Access Technology Specialist, CPWA
  73. Joan Preston, Web Accessibility Coordinator, California State University, Long Beach
  74. Jon Gibbins, digital accessibility consultant, Dotjay Ltd
  75. Alicia Jarvis
  76. Anthony Fernando, CPWA, Accessibility QA Manager, Pearson
  77. Jennifer Strickland, Senior HCD + Accessibility Engineer at MITRE, Accessibility Consultant at Level Access
  78. Lainey Feingold - lawyer and author, Law Office of Lainey Feingold
  79. Andrew Hayward, Accessibility Engineer
  80. Jean Ducrot, Accessibility Engineer, CPWA
  81. Manuel Razzari - Accessibility educator, Buenos Aires National Technological University, Argentina
  82. Zack Kline, Accessibility Tester, ISoftStone
  83. Anna E. Cook - Senior Inclusive Designer, Microsoft
  84. Alex Cooper - Software Engineer, Digital Inclusion, American Foundation for the Blind
  85. Christophe Strobbe, researcher and lecturer in HCI and accessibility, Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart (until June 2022); accessibility specialist at Eleven Ways (sine July 2022)
  86. Eric Bailey, The A11Y Project Maintainer
  87. Andre Polykanine, software engineer, web accessibility specialist, screen reader user
  88. Ben Myers, Software Engineer
  89. Eric Bednarz, self
  90. Olivier Keul, Accessibility consultant, Temesis
  91. Bogdan Cerovac, WAS, front-end developer and accessibility lead
  92. Lori Samuels, Accessibility Director, NBCUniversal
  93. Ryan Leisinger - UX Manager Department of Licensing WA State
  94. Ian Lloyd, Accessibility Engineer
  95. Pavel Pomerantsev, web accessibility engineer, Squarespace
  96. Dominik Wilkowski, People Director, Thinkmill
  97. Rowdy Rabouw, web and app developer, double-R webdevelopment
  98. Jen Smith, Director, Visa Accessibility
  99. Toufic Sbeiti, accessibility advocate
  100. Amy Carney, CPWA, accessibility consultant & front-end web developer, Digilou
  101. Carly Gerard CPWA, Web Accessibility Engineer, Western Washington University
  102. Haben Girma, Human Rights Lawyer
  103. Katriel Paige, Accessibility Consultant, Fox Design Studios LLC
  104. Adrianne Mallett, Software Engineer
  105. Krista Greear
  106. Kim Krause Berg, CPACC, QA Accessibility Analyst, BMTX (formerly Bank Mobile)
  107. Joseph Dolson
  108. Ashley Hannan, Accessibility Advocate
  109. Cara Hall, Accessibility Advocate
  110. Paul Grenier, Web Developer
  111. Glenda Sims, Accessibility consultant
  112. JF Hector Labram, WAS, Principal Front-End Engineer, Kooth Plc
  113. Anne-Mieke Bovelett, Accessibility Advocate
  114. Radimir Bitsov, Web Accessibility and Performance Engineer
  115. Beatriz González Mellídez, Principal Product Design, CPWA, CPUX-RE
  116. Wilfred Nas, Product Owner / User interface consultant
  117. Shawn Thompson, Digital Accessibility Advocate
  118. Kim Johannesen, CEO and Accessibility Consultant, Shift ApS
  119. Marco Hengstenberg, Front End Web Developer and Accessibility Consultant
  120. Nicola Saunders, Front-End Developer, Studio 24 Ltd
  121. Rogier Barendregt, Senior digital product designer, Rg/B
  122. Jeremy Keith, Founder, Clearleft
  123. Kasper Isager, Software Developer
  124. Angela P. Ricci, Web Designer/ Front dev
  125. Matt Jiggins, Developer/Designer
  126. Stefan Wajda,, digital accessibility specialist
  127. Sina Bahram, President, Prime Access Consulting, Inc.
  128. Kristina England, Accessibility Specialist, University of Massachusetts President's Office
  129. Birkir Gunnarsson, CPWA, digital accessibility lead
  130. Kerstin Probiesch, Accessibility Consultant
  131. Radek Pavlíček, CPWA, Accessibility Specialist, Teiresias Centre Masaryk University &
  132. Billy Gregory, TPGi
  133. Brian Elton, Accessibility Engineer/Consultant
  134. Kevin Mar-Molinero, Director of Experience Technologies Kin+Carta Connect, Member of BIMA Inclusive Design Council.
  135. Crystal Preston-Watson, Quality and Accessibility Engineer
  136. Bob Dodd, Accessibility Consultant
  137. Chauncey McAskill
  138. David Swallow, Accessibility Engineer
  139. Marko Milanović, Developer,
  140. Joe Lamyman, Development Specialist
  141. Kevin Ackley, Accessibility Tech Consultant
  142. Stephen Clower, Software Developer and Accessibility Lead, Desmos, Inc.
  143. Nicolas Chardon, Digital Accessibility Expert
  144. Steve Faulkner, Chief Accessibility Officer, TPGi
  145. Andy Bell, Designer and Educator
  146. Patrick H. Lauke, Accessibility Trash Panda
  147. Yann Kozon, Front End Web Developer and Accessibility Consultant, Freelance
  148. Chris Taylor, Web Nerd, Yorkshire Twist
  149. Miriam Suzanne, Agency Co-Founder & W3C Invited Expert
  150. Robert Jolly, Product Manager & Accessibility Strategist
  151. Lena Chandelier, Accessibility Expert, Front-end Developer
  152. Thomas Parisot, Old Timey Web Developer
  153. Jesse Menn, Principal Web Developer
  154. Wendy Reid, Accessibility Lead
  155. Scott O'Hara, Accessibility Engineer/Consultant
  156. Phil Springall
  157. Dr Carl Myhill, Director, User Experience Design Limited
  158. Sumner M. Davenport, Specialist Web Accessibility
  159. Dana Byerly, Interaction Designer
  160. Jamie Knight, self
  161. Matt Richardson, Web Accessibility Expert
  162. Josephine Schwebler, Senior Consultant Accessibility / Accessible Documents
  163. Vegard Haugstvedt, Front-end Developer / Accessibility Specialist, Webstep
  164. Mikołaj Rotnicki,, accessibility specialist
  165. William Bunch - Accessibility Consultant
  166. Kris Rivenburgh, Chief Accessibility & Legal Officer, Essential Accessibility
  167. Paul Kruczynski, Front-End UX/UI Developer
  168. Matthias Weston, Accessibility-Centered Freelance Developer
  169. Mat Harris, Web Accessibility Lead, ITHAKA
  170. Lindsey Dragun, Developer / Accessibility Advocate
  171. Michail Yasonik, Senior Software Engineer
  172. Marcy Sutton, Independent Web Developer and Accessibility Specialist
  173. Talita Pagani, Accessibility and UX Consultant, Research Scientist in Web Accessibility for Neurodiversity
  174. Aaron Chu, UI Engineer + Disability & Design Researcher
  175. Adam Saucier, Web Accessibility Specialist
  176. Arnaud Delafosse, Web Quality & Accessibility Consultant, Temesis
  177. J.J. Meddaugh, Owner, A. T. Guys.
  178. Nicki Rios, CPWA, Founder, Accessibility Consultant & Engineer, Nock & Sparrow
  179. John E Brandt, head dude, jebswebs
  180. Heather Gray, Website Developer
  181. Santina Croniser, Senior Accessibility Engineer, VMware
  182. Stein Erik Skotkjerra, Accessibility consultant, CEO, Inklusio
  183. Bruno Pulis, Accessibility Advocate, Creator of Awesome A11y
  184. Brittany Roots, Accessibility Consultant
  185. James Nurthen, Accessibility Engineer & co-chair ARIA Working Group
  186. Shell Little, Inclusive Design Lead and Digital Accessibility Specialist
  187. Carlos Eriksson, Accessibility Lead, Studio 24
  188. Steven Mouret, Digital Accessibility Expert
  189. Adam Page, UX Designer
  190. David A. Kennedy, Designer and Accessibility Weekly curator
  191. Marc Solomon, self
  192. Ron Stauffer, Founder, Lieder Digital
  193. Nick Caskey, CPWA & Senior Accessibility Engineer, VMware Inc.
  194. Devon Persing, Technical Program Manager and Digital Accessibility Specialist
  195. Brian Olore, Developer
  196. Kathleen McMahon, Engineer, Designer, and Speaker
  197. Will Slone, Accessibility Engineer
  198. Peter Weil, Web Developer
  199. Brennan Young, Accessibility specialist, Laerdal Medical
  200. Emanuela Gorla, Accessibility Specialist, TetraLogical
  201. Paweł Choiński, Front-End Developer
  202. Eric Hind, Accessibility Specialist
  203. Sylvie Duchateau, Web Accessibility Consultant, Access42
  204. Rachel Cherry, Accessibility Specialist, Director of WPCampus, and Director of Technology and Design, Equal Made
  205. Lucy Greco, Accessaces
  206. John Lukosky, Accessibility Specialist
  207. Jennifer Grant, Senior Accessibility Engineer, Educational Testing Service
  208. Károly Szántai, WAS
  209. Sarah E. Lynch, Accessibility Engineer
  210. L. Jeffrey Zeldman
  211. Paul Shryock, WordPress Engineer, NBA
  212. Nick Colley
  213. Carlin Scuderi, Front End Developer
  214. Nicolas Zerr, Digital Accessibility Expert
  215. Derek Featherstone, Accessibility and Inclusive Design Professional
  216. Corey Megown, Front-End Developer
  217. Marcelo Sales, Accessibility Specialist, RD (Raia Drogasil)
  218. Scott Vinkle, Accessibility Specialist, Shopify
  219. Barry Pollard, Developer
  220. Anand Chowdhary, Creative Technologist & Entrepreneur
  221. Christian Alden Jacobs, UX Strategist
  222. Edward Pritchard, Digital Accessibility Consultant
  223. Hadley Luker, Accessibility Analyst, Level Access
  224. John Foliot (JF), Independent Accessibility Specialist / W3C Contributor
  225. Cullan Bonilla, Accessibility Specialist
  226. EJ Mason, Accessibility Specialist
  227. Michele Williams, Accessibility and UX Consultant
  228. Hala Anwar, Inclusive Design Consultant
  229. Johnny Taylor, Accessibility Advocate
  230. Joel McKinnon, Accessibility Specialist
  231. Olivier Nourry, General Manager & CAO, Be Player One
  232. Ross Mullen, Director, CANAXESS
  233. Steve Woodson, Developer
  234. Joe Yang, Senior UX Designer – Accessibility, ServiceNow
  235. Lee Bartholomew, Website Designer
  236. Amanda J. Rush, Self
  237. John H. Carson Jr., retired escalations specialist, Freedom Scientific
  238. Ka Li, Accessibility Consultant
  239. Adele M. Beeby, Web Manager, Leicester City Council
  240. James Scholes, Director of Digital Accessibility, Prime Access Consulting, Inc.
  241. Ian Kersey, Self
  242. Wally Zielinski, WAS, Dell Technologies
  243. Martin Mengele, Front End Developer & Accessibilty Consultant, @accessabilly)
  244. Gaël Poupard, Lead dev, OnePoint
  245. Philip Kiff, D4K Communications
  246. Tim Kraut, Senior Frontend Developer, AWESOME! Software GmbH
  247. Jennifer Panighetti, Web Developer
  248. Jasmine Kaul, Founder and Digital Content Consultant, Happy Words
  249. Ian Hamilton, accessibility specialist
  250. Margie Chubin, Software Engineer
  251. Joe Lanman, Designer
  252. Jude Robinson, Global Head of Frontend Development, Springer Nature
  253. Luc Poupard, Front-end designer and WordPress developer, Proton Technologies
  254. David Sloan, UX Research Lead, TPGi
  255. Grady Thompson, Student, University of Washington
  256. Claudio Luis Vera, Accessibility leader, analyst, and public speaker
  257. Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Fundación Sidar - Acceso Universal
  258. Homer Gaines, UI Engineer, and Accessibility Specialist
  259. Carolina Aguilera, Accessibility Consultant, Chile
  260. Kara Franco, CPWA, Accessibility Engineer
  261. Sarah Higley, Accessibility Specialist & Software Developer, Microsoft
  262. Benoît Dequick, Front-end dev & RGAA expert
  263. Peter Bossley, self
  264. Jennifer Gorfine, UX Engineer & Web Accessibility Specialist
  265. Heather Migliorisi, Web Accessibility Specialist
  266. Thinh-Lay Wonesky, Accessibility Consultant, Allerlay Wonesky Media
  267. Robert Kingett, Blind author
  268. Frances Jurek, Software Engineer
  269. Owen Edwards, Principal Accessibility Consultant, Level Access
  270. Jennifer X Zhang, Accessibility Program Manager and Designer
  271. Michael Vaughn, Accessibility Manager
  272. Desiree White
  273. Marco Salsiccia, Senior Native Mobile Accessibility Coach, Deque Systems
  274. Carter Temm, Accessibility Consultant
  275. Silvia Ceria, Interior Designer and Content Creator, DforDesign
  276. Maurizio Lepora, Full-Stack Developer, Lemaur
  277. Jared Clayton, Digital Accessibility Specialist
  278. Dirk Ginader, UX Engineer, Google
  279. Cordelia McGee-Tubb, Accessibility Engineer
  280. Ethan Marcotte, web designer, author of "Responsive Web Design"
  281. Jory Cunningham, Accessibility Engineer
  282. Lee White, Front-End & Accessibility Engineer
  283. Richard Boardman, Senior Director, Product Accessibility
  284. David Peter, Software Engineer
  285. Stefan Judis, Web Developer
  286. Dean Birkett, Accessibility Consultant
  287. Myles Lewando, Web Developer & Accessibility Specialist
  288. Michael Dowden, CEO, Andromeda Galactic Solutions, author of "Approachable Accessibility"
  289. Abdullah Norozi Iranzad, Web Developer
  290. Allison Ravenhall, Accessibility Consultant
  291. Ian Pouncey, Director, TetraLogical
  292. Chancey Fleet, Technology Educator
  293. Amanda Mace General Manager, Web Key IT
  294. Wendy Torres, Senior Instructional Technologist
  295. Janos Sitar, Web Accessibility Specialist, Central 1 Credit Union
  296. Dave Bahr, CEO of In-Sightful Living
  297. Momin Pasha Mohammed, CPWA, Accessibility Consultant
  298. Holly Scott-Gardner, usability assessor and disability rights advocate
  299. Sara Cousins, Mighty Spark Design
  300. Roger Fracé, Quality Assurance Specialist
  301. Pierre Albert, Accessibility consultant, Temesis
  302. Colleen Gratzer, Creative Boost and Gratzer Graphics LLC
  303. Kara Goldfinch
  304. Sally Thoun, Accessibility Consultant
  305. Ajaz Mohammed, Accessibility Test Consultant, HCL Canada Inc.
  306. Vincent Martin, Usercessible, LLC.
  307. Jessie Lorenz
  308. Amy Mason, Access Technology Specialist, San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind
  309. Nadia Rasul, CPACC, Front-end Developer and Accessibility Lead
  310. Catherine M. Stager, Accessibility and Assistive Technology Specialist, Front Range Community College
  311. Avi Chandiramani, Program Manager for Accessible Technology Services, San Francisco State University
  312. Wink Harner Professor of Adaptive Technology In Higher Education/CUNY graduate school
  313. Courtney Heitman, Technical Accessibility Specialist
  314. Simon Bonaventure, Accessibility consultant, Empreinte Digitale
  315. Eric Wright
  316. Deborah Kaplan, Accessibility Lead, Suberic Networks
  317. Carie Fisher, Sr. Accessibility consultant, Deque
  318. Scott Boren, Accessibility manager
  319. Josie Davidson, Associate Accessibility Specialist
  320. Matt Campbell, Chief Technology Officer, Pneuma Solutions
  321. Quentin Bellanger, Front-end developer, /tmp
  322. Al Romano, Web Developer, Virtually(Creative)
  323. Derek Riemer, Frontend web application Developer, NVDA screen reader contributor
  324. Isabel Del Castillo, Digital Accessibility Consultant, Prime Access Consulting, Inc.
  325. Nic Chan, Front-End Developer
  326. Jeremy Neander, Senior Front End Engineer
  327. Nick Croft, Senior Full Stack Web Developer, WAS, CPACC, CPWA, 508 TT
  328. Dag Eikesdal, web developer & accessibility specialist
  329. Dylan M. Rafaty, Disability Rights Activist and Head of Accessibility Strategy & Partnerships at C-Hear, Inc.
  330. Randi Strunk, self
  331. Jörg Morsbach, anatom5
  332. Thomas Logan, Founder and CEO, Equal Entry
  333. Lindsay Reddick, self
  334. Mike Calvo, self
  335. Molly E. Holzschlag, Web Educator and Historian
  336. Armony Altinier, CEO & Accessibility Lead, Koena
  337. Olivier Camon, Web developer
  338. Liz Hare, PhD, Quantitative Geneticist, Dog Genetics LLC
  339. Luce Carević, Accessibility expert, Access42
  340. Roman Mkrtchian, Web developer, Koena
  341. Tori Clark, Accessibility Evangelist and Executive Director, Digital A11ies
  342. Sarah Jagrowski, Associate Product Designer, FiscalNote
  343. Jay Miles, Product Designer
  344. Benjamin Michoux, Front-end Engineer
  345. Daman Wandke, CEO/Founder, Wandke Consulting
  346. Christian Vogler, Professor and Director, Technology Access Program, Gallaudet University
  347. Kevin Erickson, Accessibility Services Manager, Ablr
  348. Sanjay Nasta, CEO, Microassist
  349. Sue Brettell, Branding & UX Designer
  350. Steve Decker, self
  351. Fady Rizk, self
  352. Philip Fortier, Director, Perficient
  353. Natalie Stroud, self
  354. Kalib Watson, Accessibility Engineer II, Jackson
  355. Ryan Dudek, Software Engineer
  356. Jenia Walker, Microsoft
  357. Merrie McGaw, Microsoft
  358. Nir Baligar, Accessibility Engineering Lead, Microsoft
  359. Rob Gallo, Microsoft
  360. Maxime Preaux, Frontend Developer
  361. Mike Schwartz, Component Library Developer/Accessibility SME
  362. Eilana Benish, authorized Accessibility consultant from Israel
  363. Mohammad Suliman, blind master's degree computer science student, Tel Aviv University
  364. Shawn Hooper, Director of IT,
  365. Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
  366. Trevor Attenberg, Access technology specialist, Portland community college
  367. Sandy Feldman, Self
  368. Geof Collis, Accessibility Advocate
  369. Martin Courcelles, Martin Assist Inc.
  370. Cynthia Bennett, Accessibility Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University
  371. Gayle Vivona, UW Writer, consultant, designIMPACT
  372. David Best, Accessibility IT Specialist and Advocate
  373. Alice Packard, Self
  374. Shawn Welker, Access Technology Apprentice, MABVI
  375. Soheil Varamini, CPWA, Accessibility Analyst, Microassist
  376. Marvin Hunkin, self
  377. Alison Walden, Accessibility Specialist, Sapient
  378. Geetha Somasundaram, Self
  379. Jon Plummer, Director of User Experience, Concentric Sky
  380. Jason Neel, Senior Web Developer, West Virginia University
  381. Angela Hooker, self
  382. Tommy Feldt, CPWA, Accessibility consultant, Useit
  383. Ida Franceen, Developer
  384. Jean-Claude Simpson, Front-end developer, Mangoweb
  385. Holly Schroeder, UX Researcher and Writer, a11y
  386. Roel Van Gils, WAS, Co-founder Eleven Ways
  387. Sara Soueidan, independent Web UI and design systems engineer
  388. Clive Loseby, Owner, Access by Design
  389. Afnizar Nur Ghifari, Product Designer
  390. Laura Bentz, CPACC, User Experience Interaction Designer, a well-known Fortune 500 banking institution
  391. Sarah Pulis, Director Accessibility Services, Intopia
  392. Adem Cifcioglu, Director Accessible Technologies, Intopia
  393. Stewart Hay, Managing Director, Intopia
  394. Chris Pycroft, Digital Accessibility Consultant, Intopia
  395. Julie Grundy, Digital Accessibility Consultant, Intopia
  396. Robin Whittleton, Engineering Manager
  397. Justin Wong, Full-Stack Developer, Project COSMIC Limited
  398. Jana Uhrich, Costco Wholesale
  399. Will Buckingham, Senior Front-End Engineer / Lead Accessibility Engineer, Prescriptive Data
  400. Doug Hayman, Accessibility Specialist & Trusted Tester
  401. Jules Ernst, Digital Accessibility Consultant, 200 OK
  402. Cory Joseph, self
  403. Amanda Ryan, Academic Technologist
  404. Sébastien Delorme, CEO, Ideance
  405. Nicolas Hoffmann, Senior Front-End developer / Accessibility advocate
  406. Yvain Liechti, Design System Engineer, UKG
  407. Sébastien Picq, Senior Front-End Engineer / Accessibility consultant
  408. Robin Massart, Policy Assistant on the Web Accessibility Directive, European Commission
  409. Chris M Law, Consultant, Accessibility Track
  410. Ray Schwartz, Accessibility Consultant, InRhythm
  411. Guy Hickling, Freelance Accessibility Consultant
  412. Mario Vasquez, UX Designer
  413. Jérémy Renard, webdesigner / front-end developer
  414. Jan Pettersson, UI developer
  415. Jan Maarten CPWA, Senior Accessibility Designer, GitHub
  416. Benjamin de Oostfrees, Front-end web developer
  417. Zhiyang Ong, Ph.D. student, Texas A&M University
  418. Caroline Desrosiers, Founder & CEO of Scribely
  419. Anthony LADEUIL, Consultant Accessibilité, Clever Age
  420. Danielle Sheffler, Accessibility Consultant
  421. George McKinlay Accessibility Consultant
  422. Jean-Baptiste Audras, WordPress Core team representative, former WordPress Accessibility team representative, Whodunit Agency head of technology, France
  423. Aaron Jorbin, Product and Engineering Leader
  424. Ethan Holliger, Accessibility Engineer
  425. Mike Vogel, Accessibility Consultant / UX Engineer
  426. Karli Yeoman, Accessibility Engineer, Expedia Group
  427. Carmen Matthews, Accessibility Specialist
  428. Kalani Helekunihi, Disabled Scientist
  429. Mark Boyden, IT Consultant, Web Developer, FOSS Contributor
  430. Andy Marino, Lead Developer, Unity Web Agency
  431. Alisa Herr, CEO, Unity Web Agency
  432. Jacqueline Pugliese, Accessibility Consultant
  433. Maurício Pereiro, Quality Assurance Analyst in Digital Accessibility
  434. Dr. Keith Newton. Technical Program Manager - Accessibility, eBay
  435. Franck Letrouvé, CEO, pixFL
  436. Tema Smith-Bosken, Senior A11y SME and Digital Marketing Senior Advisor Cigna
  437. Attila Bodnár, Web Developer, Accessibility Engineer
  438. Richard Thiel, Frontend Engineer & Accessibility Advocate,
  439. Stefan Farnetani, Digital Accessibility Specialist & CEO, mindscreen
  440. Lukáš Hosnedl, freelance translator, dev and accessibility consultant
  441. Frank Reding, Development Manager & Accessibility Advocate, Shopify
  442. Michael Telgkamp, Digital Accessibility Specialist & Developer, mindscreen
  443. Ginger Claassen, accessibility engineer / consultant
  444. Duff Johnson CEO, PDF Association
  445. Steve Green Managing Director Test Partners Ltd
  446. Jennifer Grenier, Software Engineer
  447. Okuto Oyama, Front-end Designer & Accessibility Advocate, Internet Watcher
  448. Quin Marilyn, programmer and accessibility advocate.
  449. Peter Quale, Lead Accessibility Consultant, Target Corp.
  450. Carlos Moreno, Software Engineer & Accessibility Advocate, Outsmartly
  451. Peter Heery, Accessibility Scotland
  452. Dirk Neyhart
  453. Lindsay Yazzolino, nonvisual accessibility designer, CVS Health
  454. Marc Haunschild, Accessibility Consultant, Author and Teacher
  455. David Murdoch, Principal Accessibility Consultant, Test Partners Ltd
  456. Tim Frick, President, Mightybytes
  457. Kathy Cahill, Associate Dean, Accessibility and Usability, MIT
  458. Greg McNeil, President/CEO, 216digital
  459. Bobby Graczyk, Accessibility Specialist, 216digital
  460. Joseph S. Levin, Portal Design
  461. Matthieu Marseille, Senior Front End Engineer and RGAA certified accessibility expert, ekino
  462. Asaf Kuller, Websites accessibility consultant, Kull-Air Studio, Israel
  463. Wilmer Rodriguez Vega, Digital Accessibility Consultant
  464. David Dias, Front-End UX/UI Developer & Accessibility Advocate, Kijiji
  465. Kathleen Burkhardt, self
  466. Koen Cornelis, Web Accessibility Specialist, Belgium
  467. Sophie Ragas, Web Accessibility Consultant
  468. Holger Dieterich, Chairman, Co-Founder Sozialhelden e.V.
  469. Sebbe Isaac Kurian, UX Designer
  470. Mike Gifford, CivicActions
  471. Jennifer Shepherd, web accessibility specialist
  472. Matthew Shaw, Managing Partner, Disability Solutions
  473. Rodrigo Sanchez, Senior Accessibility Specialist Square Enix West
  474. Amber DeRosa, Accessibility Lead
  475. Paweł Prot, UX and accessibility specialist
  476. Clément Fresneau, accessibility consultant for Empreinte Digitale
  477. Joe Ortenzi, Lead Experience Designer, Australian Digital Health Agency
  478. Darren Bates, Global Accessibility and Inclusion Strategist, Darren Bates, LLC
  479. Claire Webber, Digital Accessibility Consultant, Intopia
  480. May-Fei Lee, Digital Accessibility Consultant, Intopia
  481. Jeff Smith, Senior Digital Accessibility Consultant, Intopia
  482. Neil Jarvis, Business Development, Intopia
  483. Zoe Haughton, Digital Accessibility Consultant, Intopia
  484. Andrew Arch, Principal Consultant, Intopia
  485. Sandyara Peres, Accessibility Program Manager Lead, PicPay
  486. Jeff Coburn, Web Services Manager, Institute for Community Inclusion
  487. Nicolas Dorigny, Senior Front End Developper and accessibility enthousiast, Dataetic
  488. Stephane Deschamps, Accessibility specialist and coordinator
  489. Anuradha Kumari, Accessibility Advocate
  490. Juanjo Montiel, independent accessibility consultant
  491. Roberto Scano - ICT Accessibility Expert
  492. Alistair Shepherd, Front End Developer and Accessibility Advocate
  493. Jens Oliver Meiert, engineering manager and author, former WCAG working group member
  494. Nikhil Vytla, Software Engineer & A11y Advocate, AWS
  495. Hector Osborne Rodriguez, Front End Development Manager & Accessiblity Lead, Accenture
  496. Fredrik Fischer, CWAE, Accessibility Consultant and Project Officer at Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs.
  497. Benjy Stanton - Interaction designer
  498. Robert Precious - Lead Accessibility Specialist, THG
  499. Dean Holden, Accessibility Engineer
  500. Donna Lettow, Digital Accessibility Specialist
  501. Ronise Nepomuceno, Accessibility Manager, BT Consumer Digital
  502. Andrew Nordlund, Web Accessibility Specialist
  503. Émilie Viau, accessibility consultant and front-end developer
  504. Julianna Rowsell, Senior Inclusive Designer and Accessibility Advocate, Shared Services Canada
  505. Erin Lucas, Senior Director of Digital Accessibility, RedShelf
  506. Dominic Mazzoni, Software Engineer - Chrome Accessibility, Google
  507. Josh Kim, WAS, Senior Designer and Accessibility Specialist - Ad Hoc
  508. Goly Rabbanim, Authorized accessibilty service consultant & head of digital inclusion at The Open University of Israel
  509. Lauren Race, Accessibility Researcher, New York University; Accessibility Product Designer, Twitter
  510. Matt Northam, Senior Front End Developer and Accessibility Advocate, Pulselive
  511. Jayme Johnson, Accessibility Consultant and Trainer
  512. Daniel O'Mahony, Accessibility Engineer
  513. Ryan Magoon, Principal Front End Engineer, Advance Auto Parts
  514. Shane Popplestone, Accessibility tester.
  515. Tyler Rodick, student of cloud computing, Western Governors University
  516. Deborah Edwards-Oñoro, web designer and accessibility advocate
  517. Patrick Andrade, Assistive Technologist at The Chicago Lighthouse and Accessibility Advocate
  518. Soren Hamby, Senior Manager of UX and Digital Design at Benjamin Moore
  519. Nathan Weber, Self
  520. Char James-Tanny, Accessibility Advocate
  521. Werner Rosenberger, MSc, CWAE, Certified WebAccessibility Expert, Projektleitung WACA - Web Accessibility Certificate Austria
  522. Riley MacIsaac, Quadriam, Design and Development Lead and Accessibility Specialist
  523. Marco Zehe, formerly of Freedom Scientific, Mozilla, NVDA and open web contributor, accessibility veteran
  524. Benoit Kogut, senior frontend dev
  525. Rupa Devi, Staff Product Design, Accessibility Specialist at Freshworks Tech
  526. Ugurcan (Ugi) Kutluoglu, Accessibility Lead, Carbon Health
  527. Romain Menke, Developer, Mr. Henry
  528. Michael Fienen, Senior Web Developer, founder of The Drunken UX Podcast
  529. Ady Stokes, A11y_Ady
  530. Michael Zapata, Accessibility Coordinator
  531. Mark McCarthy, MSIM, CPWA, Sr. Accessibility Engineer, University of Illinois
  532. Gareth Crossan, Digital Accessibility Engineer, Ireland
  533. Chris Smart, CPACC
  534. Charles Roper, Digital Development Manager
  535. Eeva-Jonna Panula, CPWA, Front End Developer, Accessibility Specialist
  536. Bet Hannon, CEO AccessiCart
  537. Meg Miller, Lead Developer & Accessibility Specialist for AccessiCart
  538. Michael Honey-Arcement, DevOps Engineer, Channel-Fusion
  539. Tobias Christian Jensen, Digital Accessibility Specialist
  540. Jeffrey H.S. Knaack, Digital Product Manager & Solutions Architect, NYS Digital Services
  541. Samm Delorey, Web Accessibility Specialist, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  542. Chris Yoong, Frontend Developer, Government Digital Service
  543. Lizzie Bruce, Content strategist specialising in readability, Cake Consultancy Ltd.
  544. Wojtek Kutyla, Independent User Experience Consultant and Trainer, Kutyla Design Ltd.
  545. Andy Andrews, University of Washington
  546. Andreas Jacobsen, CPWA, CEO, Inklud AS
  547. Kristian Munter Simonsen, CPWA, accessibility consultant, Inklud AS
  548. Jan McSorley, VP of Accessibility, Pearson Assessments
  549. Caryn Pagel, Self
  550. Rain Breaw Michaels, CPWA, Interaction Designer - Central Accessibility, Google
  551. Saptak Sengupta, Inclusive Web Developer
  552. Kazuhiko Tsuchiya, web usability and accessibility expert
  553. Sacha Bouillez, Frontend Developer and Accessibility Advocate
  554. Jacquelyn Parmentier "average blind screen reader user"
  555. Markku Hakkinen, Director of Accessibility Standards & Inclusive Technology, ETS
  556. HenryGR, Developer and Accessibility Advocate
  557. Elle Waters, Adobe
  558. Breixo Pastoriza, CPACC, Glocal Quality Solutions.
  559. Christopher Johansen, Anttix, Inc.
  560. Keri Svendsen
  561. John McNabb, Accessibility Consultant
  562. Joe Chidzik, Accessibility Consultant.
  563. Omar Bonilla, Accessibility Specialist
  564. Chelsea Adelman, Product Designer
  565. Ramon Lapenta, Tech Lead, Cyber-Duck Ltd
  566. Alissa Bodden, Accessibility Advocate, UI/UX Designer
  567. Ala Hamada, Accessibility Analyst
  568. Thibaud Colas, Developer, Torchbox
  569. Angie Rajani, CPACC, Accessibility Specialist
  570. Maurício Carneiro, Accessibility Specialist and Frontend Developer
  571. Scott McKee, UX Designer
  572. Sergei Kriger, Frontend Developer
  573. Dr Donal Fitzpatrick, Assistant Professor, Dublin City University
  574. Rocío Alvarado, Digital Accessibility Specialist
  575. Manuel Cheța, Frontend Developer and Web Accessibility Specialist
  576. Detlef Girke, BITV-Consult, Accessibility Specialist
  577. Kelly Dip, Accessibility Specialist and Instructional Designer
  578. National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS)
  579. Dawn Cooper, cloud platform engineer and accidental accessibility advocate
  580. Elie Sloïm, CEO and founder at Opquast
  581. Grant Broome, Director, Dig Inclusion
  582. Kathy E. Gill, UX consultant and professor
  583. Lee Amador, CPWA, WAS, CPACC Accessibility Consultant
  584. Jack McElaney, VP, Microassist
  585. Kacie Cappello, Access Technology Instructor
  586. Livia Gabos, Accessibility Product Owner, Hand Talk
  587. Irfan Ali, Principle Accessibility Engineer, ETS, Princeton, NJ
  588. Abbey Scofield-Marlowe, self
  589. Jason Ruyle, Developer and Web Accessibility Specialist
  590. Sarah Russell, Accessibility Tester
  591. Russell Hoy, Software Consultant, self
  592. Chris LaChance, Pegasystems as Design Ops Lead
  593. Grace Snow, Frontend Developer and Accessibility Specialist,
  594. Caspian Turner, Director, Accessible by Design
  595. Jean-Pierre Gay, Web Accessibility Specialist, Temesis
  596. H Robert King, self
  597. Matthew Brough, self
  598. Eduardo Meza-Etienne, Director of Compliance and Accessibility Team Lead at eSSENTIAL Accessibility
  599. Abderrahmen Maïza, web integrator
  600. David Libeau, web developer & researcher in web/game/media accessibility
  601. Victoria French, Executive Director, Cinecove
  602. Steve Rancour, UX Designer and Accessibility Point Person, IKEA US
  603. Detlev Fischer, Managing Director of DIAS GmbH, W3C AGWG invited expert
  604. Andrew Mallis, CEO, Kalamuna
  605. Lee Dale, CEO, Say Yeah!
  606. Emrah Dilsizoglu, Head of Sales, Evinced Inc.
  607. Joan Concilio, co-owner, Technical Penguins
  608. Richard U. Steinberg, individual
  609. Kurt Bunge, Senior QE (Accessibility), Appian Corp.
  610. Nick Friedman, Director of IT, Adirondack Website Design
  611. Jane Wilson - UX Analyst and Accessibility Advocate
  612. Angela Brunk, self
  613. Andreas Lopez, Digital Project Manager
  614. Nathan Loding, Senior Developer at Deque Systems, CPWA
  615. Clinton N. Godlesky, Director of Interactive, Chemistry Communications
  616. Pete Czech, CEO and Founder, New Possibilities Group, LLC
  617. Jeff Rodgers, Accessibility Manager, Accessiblü, LLC
  618. James Ryan, Frontend Developer
  619. Richie Wilkin, Blind screen reader user
  620. Amber Gehrts, Accessibility Program Manager, Hyland
  621. Taiysha Hobbs, Accessibility Engineer, Appian
  622. Sarah Federman, Frontend Engineer
  623. Oliver Emberton, CEO, Silktide
  624. Andrew Stevens, Web Applications and Services Librarian, George Mason University
  625. Hans Kuijpers, Happy Frontend Developer, HKweb
  626. Paul van Buuren, front-end developer, WBVB Rotterdam
  627. Daniel Berryhill, Accessibility Tester
  628. Falk Rismansanj, zitrotec
  629. Marjon Bakker, Firm Ground
  630. John Rochford, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  631. Geoffrey Crofte, Lead UX Designer and Accessibility Advocate at Foyer Group
  632. Terri Fellers, Accessibility Consultant, Equal Entry
  633. Felipe Genuino, Front-end designer and Accessibility Specialist at Softplan
  634. Maurício Sá, Web Accessibility Specialist at Softplan
  635. Mike Zeballos, Accessibility Consultant, Toptal Talent
  636. Armen Mnatsian, Digital Accessibility Specialist, digitaalEHBO, EverXS LLC
  637. Natalie Collins, Partner, Thinkrum
  638. Cher Fitchett, Digital Director, The Branding Firm Inc.
  639. Len Beasley, Product Designer, A11y Consultant
  640. Marcy Rye, Founder & CEO of Wire Media, LLC
  641. Kat Crippen, Accessibility Specialist
  642. Gaynor Keane, Product Management Manager, Salesforce
  643. Danielli Franquim, CPACC, QA & Accessibility Analyst
  644. Daniel Seagull, CPACC, QA & Accessibility Analyst
  645. Cara Beasley, Digital Accessibility Advocate
  646. José R. Hilera, Professor, University of Alcalá, Spain
  647. Lanie Molinar, Student training as an accessibility tester and software developer, freeCodeCamp
  648. Peter Jewett, CPACC, Founder & CEO at Accessible Web
  649. Pete Bruhn, CPACC, Founder & COO at Accessible Web
  650. Nick Romano, CPWA, Senior Software Engineer at Accessible Web
  651. Lauren Layn, CPACC, A11y Success Coordinator at Accessible Web
  652. Alaina Birney, CPWA, Lead A11y Specialist at Accessible Web
  653. Alex Getty, CPACC, A11y Specialist at Accessible Web
  654. Scott McCracken, CPACC, Software Engineer at Accessible Web
  655. Leah Mattern, CPACC, A11y Specialist at Accessible Web
  656. Ben Turner, CPACC, A11y Specialist at Accessible Web
  657. Nicole Alli, CPACC, Software Engineer at Accessible Web
  658. Abigail Scott, CPACC, Sales Representative at Accessible Web
  659. Elizabeth Turrubiartes, CPACC, UI/UX Designer at Accessible Web
  660. Gianna Barnhart, Sales Representative at Accessible Web
  661. Zoltan Hawryluk, CPWA, Accessibility Specialist and Front-End Developer
  662. Calum Ryan, Certified Web Accessibility Specialist, dxw
  663. Jason Morris, Accessibility Engineer
  664. Doc Sheldon, Accessibility Advocate
  665. Terri Youngblood Savage, Owner, Accessible Systems Inc
  666. Álvaro Domingo Zurdo, Consultant accesibility
  667. Steven Medina, Senior Accessibility Analyst, JP Morgan Chase
  668. Rémi Parmentier, front-end developer, Tilt Studi
  669. James Edwards, TPGi
  670. Mike Mai, designer & coder
  671. Scott Werley, Frontend Designer/Developer and Accessibility Specialist, self
  672. Claire Annan, Consulting Software Engineer, 18F
  673. Jefté Macêdo, UX researcher and Accessibility Specialist
  674. Jon McLaren, Sr. Developer Advocate, HubSpot
  675. Mark Wiemer, software engineer specializing in web accessibility at Microsoft
  676. Bart Simons, Web Accessibility Specialist, AnySurfer
  677. Julie Baribeau, spécialiste en accessibilité Web & développeuse frontend
  678. Michael Parker, Director, Access Ingenuity
  679. Kathy Marks. IT Accessibility Coordinator, Arizona State University
  680. Áine Kelly-Costello, screen- reader user
  681. Jason Tillotson, Accessibility Consultant
  682. Isaías Hernández Galeano, Unila Brazil
  683. Gary Byrne, Senior Frontend Developer and Accessibility Advocate
  684. John Haselden
  685. Boris Schapira, Solution Expert at Contentsquare
  686. Chris Burke, Accessibility Consultant, Otaku / Discoverly
  687. Natacha Madeuf, Accessibility Expert
  688. Jack Sharkey, Staff Web Accessibility Engineer, Red Ventures
  689. Katie Foster, Engineering Manager and Accessibility Advocate
  690. 澤田 望 (Nozomi Sawada), designer
  691. Kevin Wallace, Accessibility Consultant, EnvizionLabs
  692. Marcus Morba, Consultant Digital Accessibility & Inclusive UX
  693. Darin Senneff, UX Designer and Developer
  694. Sophie Schuermans, Web Accessibility Specialist, AnySurfer
  695. Hasan Arous, Web Developer and Accessibility Consultant, EtaBits
  696. Crystal Dionysopoulos, UX Engineer and Founder, Lucid Fox
  697. Manager of Web Accessibility Services, Cornell University
  698. isral Duke, UI, UX Design Lead — Product Delivery, Louisiana Office of Technology Services
  699. Lacy Skrzeczkoski - UX Designer
  700. Lonny O'Brien, self
  701. Julie Romanowski, Director of Accessibility Services, Knowbility
  702. Cathy Schmitt Whitaker, screen reader user
  703. John P. Green, Web Developer
  704. Jonee Meiser, Accessibility Professional, CPWA
  705. Gabriel Lek, Senior Content Designer, Grab
  706. Patrick S. Wilson, self
  707. Greg Jellin, Digital Accessibility Specialist, The Center for Accessible Technology
  708. Suman Damera, Principal accessibility engineer, Phenom
  709. Eric Porter, UI Developer, Radancy
  710. Cate Seely, Webmaster, It Is Written, Inc
  711. Dylan Thomas, Web Accessibility Professional, self
  712. Blake Bertuccelli, Equalify
  713. Victor Manuel Salgado Gonzalez, Accessibility & Forestry Engineer
  714. Brian Moore(CPWA)) Senior Accessibility specialist: TD Bank
  715. Michael Mistak, Principal,
  716. Marc Tremblay, CEO and accessibility consultant, Agence SAT
  717. Mo Hieronimus-Dimercurio, User Experience & Accessibility, California Public Employees Retirement System
  718. Laura Suyasa, User Experience Designer - enGen
  719. Christine Laikind
  720. Javed Alam, SME(Digital Accessibility) and Tech Lead, Hurix Digital Technologies
  721. Tay Ashton, Accessibility Consultant
  722. Israel Gutierrez, Sr. Product Designer
  723. Laura Carlson, Self
  724. Jaunita George, Esq., CPWA, Self
  725. Cristian Díaz, Self
  726. Shea Hunter Belsky, Chief Technology Officer, Mentra
  727. Jakob Rosin, Accessibility specialist, CPWA, Sparrow Access/Estonian Blind Union
  728. Rebecca Mir, CPACC, Senior Director of Digital Product Management
  729. Alicia St Rose, Accessibility Advocate, Web Developer and Designer
  730. Wolfgang Wiese, Web Management, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  731. Mark Root-Wiley, Frontend Developer, MRW Web Design
  732. Gareth Joyce, User Experience Designer and Accessibility Lead, Valtech
  733. Kai Kubasta, Accessibility Manager, Staffbase
  734. Aidan Jones, front-end developer and accessibility advocate
  735. Aaron Gustafson, Principal Accessibility Innovation Strategist, Microsoft
  736. Deneb Pulsipher, Captain Accessible, SeaMonster Studios
  737. Charissa Ramirez, Accessibility Specialist
  738. Carolyn Chesler, Sr. Software Quality Engineer in Accessibility, BECU, CPAAC
  739. Ondřej Pohl, CPWA, UX & Accessibility Lead
  740. Jonathan Lancett, Accessibility advocate, OpenWrt A11YTester
  741. Ariel Burone, Web developer
  742. Jake Abma, Accessibility Lead
  743. Jacklyn Agor, Business Development & Digital Strategy, Puppet Master Marketing
  744. Tanner Gers, Managing Director, AccessAbilityOfficer
  745. Annett Farnetani, Digital Accessibility Specialist & CEO, mindscreen
  746. Peter McNally, UX and Accessibility Professional
  747. Eugene Smith, Accessibility manager, Enrick Group (Pty) ltd
  748. Sarahelizabeth J. Baguhn, Ph.D., CATIS, Western Michigan University
  749. Chris Keroack, Senior Accessibility Consultant
  750. Miriam Nabinger, Accessibility Trainer and UX Designer, minamalism
  751. JoAnn Rautio, Digital Accessibility Coordinator, Minnesota IT Services
  752. Marie Destandau, lead front end developer
  753. Lee Ohnesorge ThinkTherapy designer and web developer
  754. Keith Casebonne, Communications and Database Manager, Disability Rights Florida
  755. Misty Kienzynski, Indiana Affiliate State Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind
  756. David Gibson, President, Propeller Media Works/ Accessibility.Works
  757. Danny Lancaster, Accessibility Lead, Nexer Digital
  758. Ainsley Ellis, Disabled Web Developer and Accessibility Specialist
  759. Dmytro Vasylenko, CEO, Web compliances
  760. Sadia Rodriguez, Bounteous
  761. Heather Burns, Sr. Accessibility Consultant, Equal Entry
  762. Craig Morrison, Senior Lead Engineer, JP Morgan Chase
  763. Leigh Mortimer, Lead Product Manager, NHS.UK, NHS England
  764. Nicola Mascotto, web designer and front-end developer, Flying Chair
  765. KJ Schmidt, Accessibility Specialist and Designer
  766. Dustin Snowadzky, Accessibility Consultant
  767. Jan Beniamin Kwiek, Accessibility Expert
  768. Jessica Justus, Accessibility Consultant
  769. Piotr Źrołka, UX and Accessibility Professional, Kinaole
  770. Ashley Firth, Global Head of Front-end Development, Octopus Energy
  771. Shaun Conner - Accessibility Lead
  772. Matthew Roach - Accessibility Engineer
  773. Kacper Mikocki - accessibility tester, Accens
  774. Luis Garcia - Accessibility Lead
  775. Emma Hardman, Sr. Accessibility Program Manager, Splunk
  776. Katie Diduch, Freelance Accessibility Web and Print Designer, Accessibility Auditor, and Accessible Document Creator and Remediator, KTdid.
  777. Marsha Drenth, Access Technology Instructor & Accessibility Professional
  778. Donna Mack, Accessibility Consultant / Owner, Disability Diplomat
  779. Antonio Matera, Front End Developer, UX Engineer, Accessibility Specialist
  780. Fatih Altınok, self
  781. Santi Cros, Frontend Developer & Accessibility Advocate
  782. Josh Hetrick, UX Designer, CPACC
  783. Katherine Sinclair, UX/UI Designer and Developer, Accessibility Specialist
  784. Fabrizio Calderan, front-end developer and accessibility advocate
  785. Philip John, senior WordPress engineer
  786. Nicholas Pappas, Staff 2 Product Designer, 508 TT, VMware
  787. Michael Gower, Senior Consultant in Accessibility
  788. LB Lanning, self
  789. Kristijan Lazarev, Accessibility Specialist, Asociation for Assistive Technology "Open the Windows"
  790. Stephen Guerra, self
  791. Patrick Sturdivant Accessibility Consultant
  792. Anna Orlova, digital accessibility specialist, CPWA
  793. Ramji Kadayanallur Seetharaman, Accessibility Analyst, Bank of America
  794. Jacob Perkins, Section 508 Coordinator, Kentucky Department of Education
  795. Marie Le Borgne, Accessibility consultant
  796. Anne Lee Steele, Community Manager, The Turing Way
  797. Sasirekha Palanisamy, Test Manager and Digital Accessibility Evangelist.
  798. Frank Elavsky, Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University.
  799. Quintin Balsdon, Android Engineer and Accessibility Specialist
  800. Matt Litzinger, Web Accessibility Specialist, Litz Digital
  801. Theodor Vararu, Software Engineer
  802. Henry Catalini Smith
  803. Daniel Haukenes Miller, Web Developer
  804. Alejandro Suárez Domínguez, Web Developer and accessibility consultant, TothomWeb
  805. Maximilian Frühschütz, Web Developer
  806. Jason Day, Accessibility Consultant
  807. Maiya Holliday, CEO, Mangrove Web
  808. Jorge Gascón, Web Accessibility Coordinator, Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain)
  809. Stacey Lumley, Freelance Web Developer and Accessibility Specialist
  810. Julian Kittelson-Aldred, accessibility consultant
  811. Alex Gowan-Webster, Head of Technology - Cog Design
  812. Joyce Zhu, Accessibility Engineer, GitHub
  813. Henny Swan, Director, TetraLogical
  814. Aarinn Linson, Accessibility Consultant
  815. Carlos Duarte, Associate Professor, University of Lisbon
  816. Andrew Somers, Director of Research, Inclusive Reading Technologies, Inc., a California Non-Profit
  817. Charles F. Munat Craft Coder - Architect - Universal Designer, Paperhat, Ltd.
  818. Yi-Jen (Lucy) Hsu, Digital Accessibility Specialist
  819. Oona Mayo, self
  820. Greg Alchin, Inclusive Design and Accessibility Specialist, ALL EQUAL
  821. Gessica Romie Cabral, Analista de Teste, Keeggo Technologies
  822. Andrew Boardman, Creative Director and Accessibility Lead, Mangrove Web
  823. Darrell Hilliker, Accessibility Support Engineer, Salesforce
  824. David Read, CPACC
  825. Erin Mastrantonio, COO & Accessibility Director, Elevation Web
  826. Clark Gunn, Front-end Developer and Accessibility Specialist
  827. Bram Janssens, Web Accessibility Specialist, AnySurfer
  828. Joan Pahisa, Accessibility Consultant and Trainer
  829. Jiří Zmrhal, CPWA
  830. Nick Bromley, Director, Red Kite Digital Accessibility Ltd
  831. Tobias Guggenmos, Ulm University
  832. Serena Guidotti, Accessibility Specialist, NTT Data Italia
  833. Aimee Cozza, Developer
  834. Scott Nguyen, UX Designer
  835. Katharina Haake, CEO distriko GmbH & Co. KG
  836. Oliver Haake-Klink, CPACC, CEO distriko GmbH & Co. KG
  837. Martin Maugeais, CPWA, Web Developer
  838. Bianca Zanardi, Web Developer and Accessibility Specialist
  839. Alex Stine, Accessibility Consultant and DevOps Engineer
  840. Charles Bauer, UX Designer
  841. Tzviya Siegman, Technical Governance Leader
  842. Adrian Wegener, Accessibility Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  843. Oliver Vaupel, WAS, ovau design studio
  844. Meg Harding, CPACC – digital accessibility specialist
  845. Syed Talha Mustafa, Website Accessibility Expert (ADA and Section 508)
  846. Kurt Deutscher, Founder and Principal Consultant, NetRaising
  847. Jackelyn Kjerstie Hayduk, Senior Experience Engineer & Certified Web Accessibility Specialist. Hero Digital
  848. Sonia Margollé, web-developer
  849. Ryan Williams, Lead Front End & Accessibility Engineer, Digital Commerce
  850. Sambhavi Chandrashekar, Accessibility practitioner
  851. Simon Jaeger, Accessibility Analyst, National Network for Equitable Library Service
  852. Sara E. Temby, UX Accessibility Lead / SME, Microsoft
  853. Andrea Mancini, Chief Experience Officer, Lascaux (Italy)
  854. Kalicharan Pillai, CEO, Spectrum Technologies, Inc
  855. KolaGayathri Pillai, CEO, Sattva Solutions, LLC
  856. Craig Barrios, Web Development Enthusiast
  857. Eduardo Gonçalves Pereira, Software Developer
  858. Ingo Köpp, Software Developer at sipgate GmbH
  859. Björn Witte, UX Design at sipgate GmbH
  860. James Sheasby Thomas, QA Analyst, Oak National Academy
  861. Daniel Bogod, Snr Front End Engineer, 383 Project
  862. Stuart Shearing, Senior Digital Accessibility Specialist, GrackleDocs
  863. Philipp Christoph Tautz, Accessibility Expert
  864. Kyle Masuga, Frontend Web Developer, Accessibility Advocate
  865. Timothy Wynn, self
  866. Michael Niggel, Web Development Director, Hazard Creative
  867. Béryl de La Grandière, designer UX
  868. Mikey Ilagan, Accessibility Specialist and Product Manager
  869. Bri Norton, Co-chair,
  870. Eliseo Sciarretta, Web Accessibility Expert, Axess Design
  871. SHIBATA Nobufumi, jidaikobo
  872. Erin Bryant-Ross, Interim Vice President of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA), oSTEM, Inc.
  873. Loïc Martínez Normand, Adjunct Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
  874. Alexandria Yeung, Digital Accessibility Specialist
  875. Caitlynn Jones, Digital Designer, Digital Relativity
  876. Justin Ferrell, Technical Director, Digital Relativity
  877. Jonathan Danz, Director of Ad Ops and Analytics, Digital Relativity
  878. Aaron Gooden, Web Developer, Digital Relativity
  879. Carter Igo, Junior Developer, Digital Relativity
  880. Kim Vigsbo, Accessibility Consultant, We Are Fish
  881. Stéphane Lavoie, conseiller pédagogique RÉCIT
  882. Peter Nelis, Owner, OGCdigital
  883. Michel Joanisse, Accessibility Lead
  884. Conor O’Neill (severely sight impaired), Senior Tester – Accessibility Specialist, iPipeline UK
  885. Jason Crispin, CEO, Imagination
  886. Meli Manak, UX Accessibilty Lead

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